Crystal Bible


Crystals and their meanings: 

Crystals have been cherished by people for thousands of years and very early on in time, people discovered the magic behind them. Each tumbled stone slowly forms into a beautiful crystal filled with their very own powerful healing abilities, healing our bodies, minds and souls.  The beauty of crystals is that there are hundreds of different types, meaning wherever you are on your life journey, they’ll be one to benefit you. 


For those of you who are just getting started on your spiritual journey,  we have put together a short beginners guide below on the properties and meanings for different crystals and what you can use them for. 


We will update this page regularly so feel free to come back and check!

How to cleanse your crystals: ​

💎Use a sage smudge stick

💎Wash with cold water

💎Leave in the sun or moonlight

💎Regularly cleanse to rid of negative energies. 

What do Crystals do for you? 

Crystals have been used to direct energy and promote healing for thousands of years. The vibrations they emit can energise, calm, uplift and enrich the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental energy fields present in all of us.

Crystals good for luck and prosperity:

  1. Citrine Crystal - The Lucky Merchants Stone

  2. Green Aventurine Crystal - The Stone of Opportunity

  3. Peridot Crystal  - Bringer of Luck


Crystals good for health: 

  1. Clear Quartz Crystal - The Stone of Power

  2. Amethyst Crystal - Nature's Tranquillizer

  3. Rose Quartz Crystal  - Heart Healer 


Crystals good for anxiety: 

  1. Sodalite Crystal  - The Stone of Peace

  2. Lepidolite Crystal - The Stone of Transition

  3. Rhodonite Crystal - The Stone of Compassion 


Crystals good for protection:

  1. Black Obsidian Crystal -  The Powerful Cleanser

  2. Black Tourmaline Crystal -  Protective Stone 

  3. Jet Crystal - The Powerful Protection Stone 


Crystals good for sleep: 

  1. Celestite Crystal - Peace Stone 

  2. Howlite Crystal - Attunement Stone

  3. Lepidolite Crystal - The Stone of Transition


Crystals good for fertility and pregnancy:

  1. Emerald Crystal- Stone of Successful Love

  2. Moonstone Crystal - The Woman’s stone for Love & Fertility

  3. Red Tigers Eye Crystal - Increases Sex Drive


Crystals good for concentration and clarity: 

  1. Blue Quartz Crystal - The Calming Stone  

  2. Hematite - The Stone of The Mind 

  3. Clear Quartz Crystal - The Master Healer 

Crystals good for grounding: 

  1. Hematite - Grounding Body Stone 

  2. Smoky Quartz - Grounding & Stabilizing Crystal 

  3. Jasper - Powerful Grounding Stone 


Best crystals for psychic enhancement: 

  1. Azurite - Awaken the Third Eye 

  2. Amethyst - Spiritual Protection & Purification

  3. Iolite - Balances Aura 

Crystal Bible

We have put together an in-depth list of specific crystals and their incredible powers! This list will be updated regularly so come keep coming back to read more. 


Amethyst Crystal meaning and uses: 

What are the healing properties of Amethyst: 

💎Enhances intuition &  psychic ability

💎Opens the crown chakra & the third eye

💎Protects from psychic attack

💎Brings inner peace and calmness

💎Balances moods swings

💎Eases stress and anxiety


Fluorite Crystal meaning and uses:

The stone of Inner Guidance & Protection

💎Absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress

💎Highly protective and stabilizing stone

💎Grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy

💎Enhances mental clarity

💎Improves decision making

💎Increases self-confidence 

💎Increases intuitive abilities

💎Cleanses and stabilises the aura

💎Balances the energies and improves balance

💎Develops connection to spirit



Rose Quartz Crystal meaning and uses: 

The stone of universal love

💎Encourages self-love

💎Heals old negative emotions

💎Eases heartache

💎Relieves loneliness

💎Promotes forgiveness

💎Offers inner peace

💎Heals all chakras

💎Helps heal relationship problems

💎Attracts love


Clear Quartz Crystal Crystal meaning and uses : 

The Master healer

💎Amplifies energy

💎Enhances clairvoyance

💎Cleanses and restores the organs and soul.

💎Stimulates the immune system 

💎Helps clear mental blocks and improves focus.

💎Balance and revitalize the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes.

💎Harmonize the chakras 

💎Deep soul cleansing, connecting the body with the mind 

💎Aids concentration and unlocks memory


Use the Clear Quartz when searching for clarity during meditation. 



Moonstone Crystal meaning and uses : 

Goddess energy, the divine feminine. An encapsulated moonbeam.

💎Opens & balances the sacral and crown chakras 

💎Soothes hormonal and emotional cycles

💎Promotes maternal/nurturing instinct

💎Heightens intuition and reflection

💎Emotional balance and creativity

💎Harnesses creative moon energy

💎Fosters unconditional  love and tenderness

💎Enhances dream recall



Black Oynx Crystal meaning and uses : 

A  stone of happiness, good fortune and strength

💎Highly protective & grounding

💎Brings energies of good fortune

💎Promotes emotional well being 

💎Relieves past worries and fears

💎Heals past traumas and injuries 

💎Transforms negative energies 

💎Brings strength, balance and self-control

💎Reduces anxiety 

💎Decreases sexual desire 


Citrine Crystal meanings and uses : 

Harness the power of the sun to manifest your goals

💎Manifests wealth, success and prosperity

💎Reduces anxiety, fear & depression

💎Eliminates negative energy

💎Absorbs negative energy

💎Improves digestion

💎Induces positive energy & optimism

💎Raises self-esteem and self-confidence

💎Promotes motivation & activates creativity 

💎Psychic growth with enhanced clarity

💎Enhances concentration

Carnelian Crystal meanings and uses : 

The Artists Stone 

💎Sparks creativity 

💎Boosts physical energy 

💎Restores vitality & motivation

💎Promotes confidence & empowerment 

💎Inspires ambition 

💎Balances energies 

💎Brings good luck 

💎Protection from negative energies 

💎Improves blood flow and stimulates metabolism

💎 Stabilises emotions 


Use the carnelian when meditation to encourage motivation and improve focus. 



Tourmaline Crystal meanings and uses : 

The Powerful Protector 

💎Protection against negative energies 

💎Psychic protection

💎Provides spiritual grounding 

💎Relieves stress

💎Increases mental focus

💎Strengthens the immune system

💎Improves circulation

💎Attracts positive energy

💎Reduces anxiety

💎Reduces insomnia 

💎EMF protection

Jade Crystal meanings and uses : 

The stone of purity & luck

💎Attracts good luck

💎Heals nervous system

💎Heals the heart chakra 

💎Increases fertility 

💎Emotional release & healing

💎Calming  stone

💎Eliminates toxins 

💎Promotes material abundance 

💎Brings insightful dreams 

💎Protection from negative energies 


💎Amazonite - The stone of hope & manifestation

💎Clear Quartz - Purifies & brings clarity of mind

💎 Rose Quartz - Promotes love and emotional healing

💎Blue Quartz- enhances creativity and expression 

💎Citrine - Manifests wealth, success and prosperity

💎Blue Calcite - Calming and aids emotional release

💎Rainbow Fluorite - Cleanses all the chakras and neutralizes negative energy

💎Red Jasper - Builds courage & self-confidence

💎Carnelian - Restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity

💎Amethyst - Spiritual protection & grounding & calms anxiety

💎Labradorite - Helps to awaken psychic powers 

💎Snow  Quartz Cristal - Purifies & brings clarity of mind

💎Selenite - Absorbs and expels negative energy 

💎Orange Calcite - Positive & uplifting, unleashes creativity

💎Fuchite - Assists restful sleep & rejuvenates the emotional and physical body

💎Black Obsidian - Psychic protection & cleansing

💎Apatite- Aids Manifestation and Motivation

💎Lepidolite- Soothing, calming and relieves exhaustion

💎Jade - Attracts good luck & abundance

💎Opalite - Removes energy blockages of the chakras

💎Blue goldstone Promotes vitality & soothes anxiety