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The December 2024 new moon, occurring on December 30, is the perfect time to reflect, release, and set clear intentions for the New Year. This guide will walk you through meaningful rituals to cleanse your space, journal your goals, and align with the energy of the final new moon of the year. Use this moment to manifest your dreams and enter 2025 with renewed clarity and purpose.
Are you inexplicably drawn to the moon? Do you feel as though your moods and emotions fluctuate during different phases of the moon?
In astrology, the moon is said to have a strong feminine energy that rules over our moods, emotions, and even our menstrual cycles. As she travels through each of her phases, just like the birds and the tides, we often find ourselves influenced by the moon’s energy.
As the moon orbits the earth and the sun, the way it is viewed from earth changes based on how much of the moon is sunlit, this illumination is known as the lunar cycle. The moon is dark and doesn’t emit any light itself, instead, it reflects light from the sun and therefore its energy is receptive and reflective too.
Throughout its monthly cycle, the moon appears to take different forms throughout its phases and creates a unique set of energies with each phase.
Working with moon magic is in essence, understanding, working with, or focusing these energies in a way that supports our goals and helps manifest our dreams.
Every month, the moon passes through the following phases:
>>New Moon >> Waxing Crescent >> First Quarter >> Waxing Gibbous >> Full Harvest >> Waning Gibbous >> Last Quarter >> Waning Crescent >>
You can work with as many moon phases as you like, commonly 2 or 4 but you can work with the moon's energy during any of its 8 phases. The simplest way to work with moon energy and the method we're going to explain is the 2 Phase System which focuses on New Moon and Full Moon vibrations.
Phase 1: The New Moon
How to set an intention during a new moon
A new moon is when the moon is between the Earth and the Sun (to which it is completely aligned or 'in conjunction' with) and we’re unable to see the moon’s illuminated side from the POV of the Earth. The moon, therefore, appears dark and isn’t visible to us.
The new moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, as the moon aligns with the sun each month, it sends a powerful gravitational pull through the universe. Farmers use this time to plant seeds because this gravitational pull draws actually water to the surface of the soil which promotes better seed germination.
The new moon is about new beginnings and rebirth and many people are subconsciously aligned with this energy, starting new projects or getting into better habits with no conscious awareness of which phase the moon is even in - it's that powerful!
The truth is, we actually have the opportunity to consciously use this extraordinarily powerful energy every month, to start afresh, plant ideas, start new projects, and set intentions to manifest our desired goals!
The new moon is the beginning of the waxing phase and is associated with yang energy which is naturally more driven, focused, and active. In essence, you can harness the energy that is naturally available and channel it towards specific goals.
Another thing to consider when working with intentions is what sign the moon is currently in and which house it sits in your own birth chart. You can find this information using our free birth chart calculator.
Generally speaking, if you work with intentions that relate to or support the theme of that house then you can achieve even better results.
For example, if the sign on the cusp of your 10th house is Taurus then a Taurus new moon would be amazing for setting intentions that relate to your career, reputation, life calling, or anything public-facing. If you're not sure which themes each house relates to we have created a list on our Astrology Basics page.
There are many ways to set an intention, rituals are extremely personal so you have to work in a way that suits you. The key thing to remember is that you’re trying to breathe life into something that is presently just a concept, dream, a notion, an idea.
Here's an example of a new moon ritual and also the one we use personally:
Create a sacred space, this can be indoors or outdoors. Use a sage stick or one of our smudge blends to clear any lingering negative energy and draw in the energy you want to attract.
You want to be in a semi-meditative state, eyes open or closed, whatever works best for you. To connect with the moon you need to still your mind, free it of any external thoughts, and take long, deep breaths.
Write your intention or words that represent your intention down on paper, a leaf, anything you want really - wish paper is great for this. These could be career goals, a business, a new relationship, a new job, whatever. You could even use drawings or images you've collected that represent your goal.
Now speak or whisper your intention aloud, you can also just say it in your head. Personally we feel that speaking them aloud gives even more power to the words but again this is a personal choice.
Spend a few minutes just being receptive of the moon’s energy, breathing in as you receive its energy, and sending your intention back to the moon as you exhale.
Using a small cauldron or any fireproof dish, set light to your intention and watch it burn, all the time visualising your goal, then watch the ash and the smoke drift towards the moon as your intention is released into the universe.
The visualisation part is so important, visualisation is very powerful, and the greater detail you can bring to the images in your mind, the better.
Phase 2: The Full Moon
What to do and expect during the full moon phase
When the moon is full it reflects the light of the sun back to us at full illumination. Its gravitational pull on the Earth is at its strongest, it’s receiving and reflecting energy at peak levels and is basically at its most powerful.
As you would expect, full moon energy is synonymous with abundance, harvest, completion, and results and can also shed light on information that were otherwise unknown. Often the breakthroughs, results, and reveals will relate closely to the intentions that were set at the time of the previous new moon in the same sign (around 6 months before).
It doesn’t mean that you can’t manifest an intention that was set earlier in the same lunar month, just that larger-scale intentions will likely take more time to manifest. Moon phase rituals should really become a framework that you work with at every cycle.
It’s important to remember that the full moon is as much about letting go and releasing as it is about culmination and manifestation. As part of the ritual you should recognise anything that no longer serves you, that is hindering your progress and preventing you from reaching your true potential... and actively let it go.
This can be done in a similar way to setting intentions during the new moon. And by the way, is there anything more precious than sitting beneath the moonbeams when it's at its brightest and most lovely? Exactly. So wherever and whenever possible we would always choose an outdoor space beneath the moonlight to practise a full moon ritual:
The same way as before, smudge your space and your aura, focus on your breathing and align yourself with the moon’s energy.
This time, write down words that represent the things you want or need to release (feelings, attitudes, people, places, habits, whatever), or use something symbolic of those things (that can be burned).
Using a cauldron, fireproof dish or even a candle, set them alight and watch as they turn to dust and drift away.
You can also take advantage of this wonderful moon energy and use it to charge your crystals by simply laying your them out directly under the full moon (or new moon) to get maximum potency.
So there you have it!
You can also take advantage of this wonderful moon energy and use it to charge your crystals. You simply lay your crystals out directly under the new moon or full moon to get maximum potency.